NON Minnesota Patriot Guard: Events for Saturday, September 29, 2012

All events for the day you have selected (Saturday, September 29, 2012) are detailed below.

There may be other events or info lower on this page, please scroll down

 Rusk County WI Honor The Fallen Ride  
Saturday, September 29, 2012


ALL Welcome!
VETS Memorial Assoc.
Hwy 27 N at 605 Summit Ave.,
Ladysmith, WI

VACHO LYBERT Amvets Post 127

100 mile scenic ride, 2 stops with 50/50 raffles

8:30-11:00 am Pancake Breakfast $5.00 per person
8:30-11:00 am Ride Registration $10.00 per person
4:00 pm Food, Raffle, Music $7.00 per person

All proceeds raised from the rides are used to support scholorships, memorials and Veterans programs. You don’t need
a motorcycle to participate. Meet old friends, make some new ones. For more information, contact Tim or Pam Vacho at
715-532-4848 or

MISSION: To raise funds to support Post 127 and pay tribute to the Veterans of Rusk County.

Posted by Doug Bley

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 Military kids hockey benifit - Peacemakers  
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hockey benifit
Posted by Tim L (

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