Even though we had very short notice for this mission, including a computer glitch getting it posted (don't use the name Dick in a subject line, as your email will end up in the "porn spam" drawer at national....!), we had nine PGR riders from three different sectors and myself standing the flag line at the rural sw Minnesota church. Most people attending the funeral, including Richard's family, the funeral directors, pastor, and Tyler Am Legion Honor Guard had not heard of the Patriot Guard, and let me tell you, this group of dedicated volunteers left a very good first impression on all, and we gained two new members from the family.
The funeral procession was a distance of 11 miles on two state highways, involving three counties. Lyon County Sheriff's office provided an escort for the first 7 miles, then blocked traffic as we turned left on Hwy 14, and proceeded the final four miles to the cemetery, where a State Patrol officer was waiting to stop traffic so all could safely turn left into the country cemetery at the bottom of an overpass. PGR cager Jennifer Fadness had gone on ahead with the honor guard, and when we came down the overpass over Hwy 23, everyone saw her one solitary flag flying at the entrance to the cemetary. We are so used to seeing dozens of flags, that the visual impact of just one flying was just as impressive. Our flag line was quickly reestablished for the interment, and many family members and friends of Richard's walked the flag line and thanked us, as did the Tyler Amercan Legion members who provided the Honor Guard.
A bar and grill in the neighboring town of Ruthton prepared a table for us, and we had a hearty roast beef dinner, before leaving for our respective homes.
Please find attached a picture of those attending. From left to right, Willmar ARC Ron Mackendanz, Jim Holien, Marshall, Terry Gulden, LuVerne, Roger McConnell, Ruthton, Ken Peters, Alpha (so where the heck is that?), Marcy McConnell, Worthington ARC Dale Claussen, Hardwick, Jennifer Fadness, and Pete Kuehl, St. James.
(@) Picture from mission
(@) PGR National Thread
Alan Peterson
Marshall Sector Ride Captain
Minnesota Patriot Guard