Saturday, March 28, 2009
Our welcome home mission was originally set for Saturday for a small group of Marines coming home. We had 90 PGR members signed up to greet this group of Marines, the registration at Ft. Snelling set up, etc.
Our Marine’s ended up stuck at LAX airport on Saturday. Some mistake was made and they didn’t have tickets to Minneapolis!
The word came in that they were taking the Red Eye flight and would be arriving Sunday morning around 6:00 am. We got the word out to the original 90 who had signed up, and hoped for the best.
This was my first “official” mission as an Assistant Ride Captain, and I would like to thank the 30 PGR members that showed up at 4:30 am on Sunday!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
We waited at the base for our Marines while the families arrived. I know we’re all used to the military and timing, but this is the icing on the cake. The Marines actually arrived in Minneapolis at 5:15 am, but were detained until all families had arrived at the base. Can you even imagine! They finally arrived at 6:45 am.
The ceremony was short and sweet because these men were exhausted. I have to tell you though, looking around and seeing the flags, and hearing “Marines, you are secure!” is a heart warming, humbling experience.
Thank you to everyone who helped made this mission a success! It obviously shows that it doesn’t matter if it’s 1, 10, 100 or 1,000 soldiers who come home – WE ARE THERE FOR THEM!
Thank you,
Holly Frost
Assistant Ride Captain
SE Metro