Welcome to the MN Patriot Guard Online Store
Thanks for stopping by the MN Patriot Guard Online Store. This is the only place on the web to buy official MN Patriot Guard Logo Items. 100% of the proceeds from all sales go to supporting the MN Patriot Guard in our missions and projects. Thank you for your support of our mission to honor America's veterans and fallen heroes!
Click on pages below:
Apparel (Bandanna, Shirts, Caps)
Decals, Banners, Flags, Magnets
MNPGR Teddy Bear, Pins, Beads, Coins, Vest extenders, Bells
Cups, Mugs, Bottle holders
Clearance Items
Instock items usually deliver within 1 week
View Your Purchases / Check Out
Note: Some items listed will include an additional shipping charge due to the special packaging needs.
All questions or inquries about orders and/or shipments must be emailed to store@mnpatriotguard.org
Order By Mail
Mail a list of what you want along with your mailing address (ship to info) and a check for the items ordered to:
Minnesota Patriot Guard
Attn. Store
P.O. Box 201855
Bloomington MN. 55420
Website Content: Copyright 2007 All rights reserved Minnesota Patriot Guard
Logo: Our logo is copyrighted and is owned by Minnesota Patriot Guard for its use only. The logo may not be used
without the written approval of the board of directors. Any requests to use the logo may be sent to directors@mnpatriotguard.org.