MN Patriot Guard

MN Patriot Guard:

I just wanted to send you a note thanking you for being there at the Mpls. Convention Ctr. on Sunday, Dec. 7. As I was walking in I seen the first PG member holding a flag and immediately started to tear up. Then I continued on my way to the check-in area and thinking back to the last time I seen you guys.

It was a very important day for me. Must have been around 0730 and I was on the phone telling my buddy to hurry up and get over to my house. We need to be early! Well, we showed up early to Fat Boys and IT WAS EARLY! There was maybe 5 or 6 riders we made 8 and 9. I wanted to run up to the filling station quick so we took off. When we got back there was a million bikes! Ride ON!

We got registered and took off shortly there after. I'll never forget the ride... It was the coolest thing ever. I was somewhere in the middle of the pack and every corner we went around was bikes as far as one could see in front of me and behind me. There was no end! What a sight! We breezed through all stop signs and traffic lights (first time I have ever done that and not gotten in trouble!) Nice easy ride... and we stopped at the American Legion in St. Cloud. We filled the parking lot with bikes and filled the dining room with a mess of hungry bikers.

My buddy's taillight/brakelight was burned out so someone on the ride got him a package of bulbs at the station (we could not get our bikes out, we were parked in) Now to the chicken. Well, while we were out getting this light bulb situated, they ran out of chicken. No, problem. I've waited in chow lines before. I think the lovely Miss St. Cloud sang and the Legion gave out some 50 yr. plaques. Way cool.

Back on the road. We ran up the road to the VA Hospital. This is where I ran into trouble... I was upstairs chatting with an old bird sitting in a wheel chair. Somebody said that we have the same kind of hair cut. Then I don't know how we got there, but the Elder Veteran said that he hopes that I didn't have to go to war. That's about when I lost it and all the emotions that I had been so far keeping behind the tough biker image that day came flooding out and I had to walk away.

I found myself down in a Day Room of sorts, outside and across the parking lot. I think they had ice cream out there and a few Vets sitting around just chatting. Met some cool ol' guys. One guy talked about how much he liked the St. Cloud VA; how clean it was, relaxing and such. Well, time to saddle up!

Now we had a few less bikers- I think some maybe left by this point. We ran at a pretty good pace down to Elk River and stopped at the Recruiting Office. Well, I didn't have to go in and say hi, they already got me once. A little rain, no big deal. Now on down to Diamonds.

Wow, what a tent party! I didn't stay too long but it was cool. I did come back a little while later and was able to listen to the show some more.

That day I was not afraid to ride my 'Purple-Wheeled-Ricer" because it was for a greater purpose. I was there that day because I don't know why. I was in the middle of purchasing a Softail from a MNPG member when I found out that I was getting deployed sometime in the near future, so I had to back out. I just couldn't justify paying on a bike while I couldn't ride it so I found this ricer for a really good cash price. When I picked it up it needed a battery and it didn't run very well. So I worked on it day and night just finishing it up the day before this ride. I hadn't really gotten much of a chance to shake it down before this ride but I wasn't worried because I knew I would be amongst good people. I just wanted to put on a many miles this year as possible and I did. A few good trips up north with my Bro. But the best was that first run with the MNPG. I met some good people and we got to do some good for some good ol' people.

When I get back I plan on picking up a new bike. It'll be my first HD. My CPT put her Sportster up for sale, so we are going to go "shopping" when we get back. And then we'll ride again. I'm sure that you'll have some more neat rides planned by then.

Thanks for being there for me and my fellow Soldiers. Ride ON!


1/34th Infantry Division "Red Bulls"
***Signal Corps***