MN Patriot Guard

To Everyone,

I would like to personally thank Starr, Jim, Keith, Greg and everyone who shared without a doubt the greatest outpouring of affection I have witnessed. I was so moved and choked up by the events of the day I had to break up the thank yous and speaking at the mike. I couldn't speak without shedding a tear, That is something my friends, family and those who know me found amusing in a loving way.

My wife is from the Philippines and is never ceased to be amazed at how we come together and support each other here. Thanks to all of you we will be able to get far enough ahead to travel back to the Philippines while I am still able to travel. We have a new Grandson I'll be able to see and spend time with the kids. That is a dream come true as the kids mean the world to us.

Here's a funny little bit of humor. After the event Dedette and I were sitting together and she ran her fingers through my she came back with a hand full hair, A tug on my beard resulted in a hand full of whiskers. It looks like this time my Chemo is going to win out on my hair, ha ha.

Thanks again,
Rick & Dedette

Greg's pics from Rick's benefit