MN Patriot Guard

Dear Nate,

I just wanted to send you and all the members of the MN Patriot Guards a huge "THANK YOU!" from me, my family, and all the families of the guardsmen you helped to welcome home to Hutchinson. Your groups participation in the homecoming truly helped make this into one of the most memorable events of our lives. I know this is something that our families will not ever forget.

My son was able to videotape a portion of the drive from Fort McCoy to Hutchinson, and he said they were all amazed at the reception that greeted them at the MN border, when the MN Patriot Guard Riders along with the police vehicles pulled out and escorted them all the way home. He told me they were not expecting the welcome they received and that many of them (including their commander) had tears in their eyes at the sight of such a reception! I heard him and his fellow soldiers say that it felt "awesome" to come home and walk thru a sea of American flags to be greeted by their families and friends.

Once again, I can not say "THANK YOU" enough for making this into a truly remarkable welcome home!!



P.S. I did my best to find you on that day--I wanted to meet and thank you in person for all of your help in making this day so special--but unfortunately I was never able to find you, even though I was told numerous times, "he's here somewhere".