:.Store Items.:
Vest extenders
Cups & Mugs
Bottle holders

MN Patriot Guard Online Store Apparel Items

Polo Shirt

To order shirt(s)
Contact Broadway Awards Web page
STORE HOURS: M-F 8:30-5:00, Phone# 763-533-0979

Tee Shirt

To order shirt(s)
Contact Broadway Awards Web page
STORE HOURS: M-F 8:30-5:00, Phone# 763-533-0979

MN-PG Watch Hat

It is the MN-PG Watch Hat The 40 gram Thinsulate™ acrylic knit cuffed MN -PG watch cap with fleece lining is one of the warmest and heaviest beanies you can get. Extra warm for standing the Flagline on those Cold Minnesota Winter days. MN-PG is Embroidered ont he Fold in the same yellow as is on our Logo. This is a VERY nice Hat to show your MN-PG Pride.


MN-PG Watch Hat:

MN-PG Bandanna ©

This large bandanna makes a great DO-RAG or Bikers Scarf - Neck Wrap - or anything you would use a bandanna for. Folded in a Triangle it has the MN-PG Logo on top and the MN-PG Website around the sides. Large enough to easily tie into a DO-Rag or Headband this makes a nice addition to your mission or riding accessories.

21 Inches x 21 inches


MN-PG Bandanna ©:

Website Content: Copyright 2007 All rights reserved Minnesota Patriot Guard
Logo: Our logo is copyrighted and is owned by Minnesota Patriot Guard for its use only. The logo may not be used without the written approval of the board of directors. Any requests to use the logo may be sent to directors@mnpatriotguard.org.