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Minnesota Patriot Guard Leadership

Minnesota State Ride Captain & Minnesota State Assistant Ride Captain

Minnesota Patriot Guard State Captain (SC)
Craig Ugland

Rochester, MN. Joined the MN PG in May 2006, first mission was for Robert Posivio, Welcome, MN. Former Rochester RC, Southern MN SRC, ASC. Married to Aimee with baby daughter Norah. I was not able to serve due to disability, so I volunteer to help veterans as a Thank You to those that did serve. I have been a Realtor with Edina Realty since 2014, after 20 years in construction management and material sales. Few people know I lost sight in one eye in 2008.

Minnesota Patriot Guard Assistant State Captain (ASC)
Karla Richardson

From Verndale, MN. US Army retired. Joined the Patriot Guard Riders and attended my first mission on 2 June 20016 for SPC Michael Hermanson in Fargo. Have previously served as Assistant Ride Captain and Ride Captain, Detroit Lakes Sector; Northern Region Senior Ride Captain, and State Captain

Senior Ride Captains

Metro Region Senior Ride Captain
Mark Lea

I have lived in Elk River for the past 30 yrs, recently Married kari, have 2 kids, Courtney, Colin and 3 step children: Caitlin, Connor (Marines) and Megan(National Guard). I am an Independent Financial Advisor working in the area of Investments and Insurance with an office in Coon Rapids for the past 24 years. My education background is in Accounting and Business administration with BA degrees in both. I have been riding for the past 13 years and currently the Metro Senior Ride Captain, Ride Captain in the NW/SE Metro sectors and Vice President of the Patriot Guard Board of Directors. I have served on the Elk River Football board for 3 years as an Executive board member which operates as a 501c3, as well as coaching my sons baseball, football and wrestling teams for a number of years.

Northern Region Senior Ride Captain
Karla Richardson

From Verndale, MN. US Army retired. Joined the Patriot Guard Riders and attended my first mission on 2 June 20016 for SPC Michael Hermanson in Fargo. Have previously served as Assistant Ride Captain and Ride Captain, Detroit Lakes Sector; Northern Region Senior Ride Captain, and State Captain

Southern Region Senior Ride Captain
Paul Ramsbey

I grew up in Indiana. My wife�s name is Rayelene and I have two sons, one grandchild and six step-grandchildren. I live on an acreage a few miles outside of Pipestone. I joined the Patriot Guard Riders in April of 2006 after seeing a booth at the International Motorcycle Show in Minneapolis and learning what the organization did and why they were doing it. I was appalled to learn what the uninvited guests were doing at military funerals and wanted to get involved to help shield the families from the protestors. I am glad that the protestors are no longer very active but that the Patriot Guard Riders continue to grow and thrive as we continue to show our support for our soldiers, veterans and their families. The first mission that I attended was for SSG Mark Wall in Alden, Iowa on May 10, 2006. Shortly after the Worthington sector was formed in Minnesota, I became the Ride Captain and in 2015 also started serving as the Senior Ride Captain for the Southern Region. I am not a veteran but serve in honor of my father who served with the Air Force in Korea during the Korean War and to show my support for all of our soldiers, veterans and their families. I have a great deal of respect and gratitude for all who have served our country and the free world. I enjoy camping and working on my acreage in addition to riding my motorcycle in my free time. I am President of a company called Pipestone Repairs and Maintenance and the Director of Safety for the Pipestone System which is a management company that oversees swine farms in MN, IA, SD, NE and WI.

Albert Lea

Ride Captains
Mike Cassen and Jennifer VonEnde

Jenn grew-up on a farm in Greenfield, MN and went to school in Rockford. Helped my dad and uncle farm and worked at the family business in Brooklyn Park, MN. There was no shortage of activities; saddle club, 4-H, sports, church, etc. Traveled a lot through the years, lived in many places, and eventually settled down in Meriden, MN. I have a son who graduated from Waseca. He now has a daughter. My other half, Mike Cassen, also has grandkids and together we have a total of six granddaughters. I�ve been part of the MN PGR and an ARC for many years. Each mission gives you a different experience. However, one thing remains the same you come out humbled and grateful on every one. You don�t forget who you�re standing for or their family and friends! Cpl. Caleb Erickson, in Waseca, is the one KIA mission that was close to my heart. He graduated with my son. Mike and I were in charge of this mission and it was an experience I�ll never forget. God Bless our Country!

Assistant Ride Captain
Chuck Crabtree

No Bio


Ride Captain/HOTH
Dave Brimer

My name is Dave Brimer. I have been in the MNPGR since 2006, and the Alexandria sector Ride Captain since 2008. I was born in Fergus Falls Minnesota and we moved a few times when I was a kid but then I moved back to Fergus Falls just about 30 years ago and have lived in this area ever since.

I currently drive beet truck for Minn-Dak in Wahpeton, ND. It is my 10th year there.
I was in the North Dakota National Guard for 13 years.
I love to ride motorcycle, I love shooting, and I hate computers LOL.

I have been married to my wife for 34 years, we have one son, he was in Iraq in 2006-07 and one of the big reasons we joined the MNPGR in the first place.

Assistant Ride Captain
Jonathan Knutson

From Fergus Falls MN. Got my first dirt bike at age 16. Attempted to join the Army Reserves at age 17, bad feet kept me out. Got my first street bike at age 18. Got my second one at 29 and began to travel. Got my Harley at 30. Love to travel the country on the bike with my wife. I joined the PGR in 2005 and became an ARC in 2015. I have also been a member of the Sons of the American Legion for 10 years and the American Legion Riders. Am currently Squadron Commander of SAL 489, Underwood,MN.

Assistant Ride Captains
Chuck and Debi Reynolds

I am married with 3 grown children, I work at DeZurik Valves in Sartell, my hometown is Sauk Centre. I joined PGR in 2005 when my son deployed to Iraq.

Assistant Ride Captains
Bill & Faye Thompson

We've been involved with Patriot Guard since 2006. We're 78 and 73 and still on two wheels! We live in Erhard, MN. We are the HOTH Reps for the Patriot Guard at the Fergus Falls Vets Home. Bill was in the Navy.

Assistant Ride Captain
Merl King

I grew up on a farm in Renville, Mn, Was in the Army from 1969-1972. Vietnam 70-71. Was a Police Officer for 25 years, 3 in Worthington, Mn and 22 in Blaine, MN, I was fiest state certified police motorcycle instructor. I then became a Business Agent for the Teamsters union representing Public employees through out Minn. Mainly Law Enforcement. Joined Patriot Guard around 2006 to show our guard members, who were being deployed everywhere, that we support our troops. Unlike Vietnam era.

Assistant Ride Captain
Ken "Murf" Murphy

I have lived in Alexandria since 2001. I've been in the MNPGR since 2009. I got the love of riding from my parents who both rode. I've been married to my wife Kathy for 31 years and have 4 children. We love riding and being with family and friends.

Assistant Ride Captain
Roger Lonnstrom

I am a retired RNC Psych Nurse. Served as a Medic in Japan during Vietnam. Married to Sandy and has 1 daughter. After military service, lived in Southern California for 5 years before moving back to Minnesota, and spent 16 years as an over the road truck driver.and then went to RN school. Is now a retired RNC Psych Nurse. Joined the MNPG in 2012


Ride Captain
John Reuter

John Reuter born and grew up in Cass Lake MN, graduated 1968. Drafted into the army in 1969, spending some of 1969 to December 1970 in Vietnam attached to 25th Inf. Honorably discharged with injuries. Worked in law enforcement in Cass lake and Cass Co. Hired as Emergency Manager in 1973 till 1982 when hired by Cass County as the Veterans Service Officers. Retired from Cass Co. In 2002. Owned small log home finishing business till 2007 when retired once again. Currently working part-time as farm hand on larger 300 plus beef cattle ranch.

Assistant Ride Captain
Mark Aamodt

My Home town is Bagley, Mn, Have lived and worked here for most of my life. I attended my first mission in the spring of 2006. I heard a couple guys on the radio talking about the Patriot Guard, that they were there to Honor and Respect our Troops. I knew I wanted to do that too.

Assistant Ride Captain
Richard Phillips

I live in Akeley. Mn I served in the Navy from 1980 to 1985. I've been a Patriot Guard member for about 6 years and Bemidji Arc for about 4. I joined to show honor and respect. I am also known to some as Mr. October.


Acting Ride Captain
Karla Richardson

Assistant Ride Captain
Roger Danielson

Born Dawson MN. USAF Special Ops. Engineer for CDC and other computer firms. Real Estate Broker Owner. Joined Brainerd Sector MN PGR 2006. Joined PGR to do my small part for our Military and families.

Assistant Ride Captain
James Parent

I am a MN native and long retired. Brainerd ARC officially since March, 2007. Passionate about freedom, the flag, PGR, TTTT, Legion Riders, DAV, Wreaths For The Fallen and other patriotic orgs. Love the woods, environment and my PGR friends.

Detroit Lakes

Ride Captain
Dean Foell

was born and raised in the NE corner of South Dakota. (Peever SD) I joined the USAF in 1978 as a USAF Aircraft Crew Chief. I retired as a Crew Chief in 1998. I worked Fighters and Tanker aircracft. In near 2010 I talked to a guy headed to Fargo on bike. I said head west there is nothing east. He remarked he was going to a mission for a KIA. I joined the PG the next day. Soon after I was drafted by Karla to head the DL sector. I am " Self Employed".

Assistant Ride Captain
Ken Phillips

Lives in Menahga and is a business owner. Married to Diann and have 4 children and 15 grandchildren. two of my children joined the MN National Guard and my son deployed to Iraq. Joined the Patriot Guard Riders and attended my first mission in August 2006 for SSG Joshua Hanson.

Assistant Ride Captain
Greg (Harley) Syverson

I grew in Twin Valley, MN. graduating with the Class of 1967, served in the US Navy for 4 years on the USS Robert H. McCard. DD 822, �69-�72. Married to Becky in �75, we have 1 daughter and 2 boys, 8 granddaughters and 1 grandson. I retired from the Bell System (Qwest) in Oct.13, 2006 with 31 plus years and moved to our Lake Home 40 miles NE of Detroit Lakes. Enjoy riding the Harley and long trips, big game hunting, the woods and visiting with family and friends. A big amount of our time is spent between grandkids and volunteering.


Ride Captains
Bill & Dawn Midbrod

Bill grew up near Silver Bay, MN. Dawn grew up near Pelican Rapids, MN. Neither of us are Veterans. Both of us have had family serve. We have always been patriotic, and are thankful for the freedoms we enjoy. We joined the MPGR in 2007. Our first missions made a huge impact on us. The weather was extremely cold in January/February 2008, but hearts were warm. We took over leadership of Duluth Sector in 2011.

Assistant Ride Captain
Terry Bloomquist

Life long resident of Cloquet, MN US Army active duty 2 yrs. with Armed Forces Police, Okinawa Japan. Retired as Unit 1SG with 20 Yrs. service in the MN Army National Guard, Worked in the Wood Products Industry for over 30 yrs. Retired, bought a Harley and have ridden over 90 thousand miles in the last 7 yrs. In 2008, I requested the MN PGR to stand in honor of an Uncle, a WWII, D-Day soldier and 35 yr member of the MN ARNG. Was so impressed with the honor and respect given to my uncle, I joined the MN PGR and have been humbled by it's members and mission.

Assistant Ride Captain
Conrad Slocum Jr.

I was born and raised in Duluth, Mn. I met my wife, PeggySue in Colorado, we married in 1996 and we have 3 boys. My hobbies include cars, bowling, hunting, fishing and spending time in my garage. I retired from the Air National Guard in 2016 after 34 years of service. I joined the PGR in 2010.

Assistant Ride Captain
Jerry Boben AKA (Jer Bear )

I am not a veteran. I have 3 Adult children. That proudly served my oldest Son is with the reserves and will make his second deployment. Hi first was 18 months in IRAQ. My daughter served with the 148th in Duluth. And is now mom raising a family. My youngest son with the Redbulls in Grand Rapids. As. Main Battle tank driver. I am honored to serve with my newest family of brothers and sisters in the MN Patriot Guards

Grand Rapids

Ride Captain
Ron Evenson

Have lived in Grand Rapids area since 1971. Served proudly in the US Army, stationed in Germany. Worked in Health Care Administration for 32 years. Have been happily married for 47 years. The Military was good to and for me and I joined MNPGR to give back and to honor my father and father-in-law who were both WWII vets. Currently serve as Ride Captain.


Ride Captain
Mike Holter

I live in Hoyt Lakes, , am Navy veteran EN2 (Engineman) served 1984-1988 stationed at Nuclear Submarine Support Facility, Groton/New London, Ct. Operations dept. YTB-829, Honorable discharge. New to riding and seeing the West Baptist church protesting veteran funerals I joined the Mn. PGR Dec.2007, there was no leadership at the time in Hibbing sector so I attended missions in Duluth sector, after awhile I was asked to lead Hibbing sector. I have seen a number of changes in the Mn. PGR over the years defining who we are and what we do and know that it is our members giving of themselves that makes this organization and missions successful.

International Falls

Ride Captain
Greg Mortenson

My exposure to the military growing up was limited to an uncle who was a career navy man. My son joined the National Guard after his high school graduation. He was with the Hutchinson Nat Guard unit when it was activated and detached to the Red Bulls in Iraq. Within a year of his return he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphatic Lymphoma as a result of something he was exposed to in Iraq. He was given a 100% service connected disability but lost his battle with it within 2 years. I joined the Patriot Guard after my son came to me in a dream on the 3rd anniversary of his death riding a motorcycle in full uniform and told me he was ok. I knew I had to do something that's when I learned about the PG and joined. Not only to honor his memory but to heal from within, and to show the family's of our fallen that they are not forgotten and that people still remember and care. To receive a handshake and a thank you for being on a flag line as you all know is a feeling that go' right to your heart.


Acting Ride Captain
Paul Ramsbey

I grew up in Indiana. My wife�s name is Rayelene and I have two sons, one grandchild and six step-grandchildren. I live on an acreage a few miles outside of Pipestone. I joined the Patriot Guard Riders in April of 2006 after seeing a booth at the International Motorcycle Show in Minneapolis and learning what the organization did and why they were doing it. I was appalled to learn what the uninvited guests were doing at military funerals and wanted to get involved to help shield the families from the protestors. I am glad that the protestors are no longer very active but that the Patriot Guard Riders continue to grow and thrive as we continue to show our support for our soldiers, veterans and their families. The first mission that I attended was for SSG Mark Wall in Alden, Iowa on May 10, 2006. Shortly after the Worthington sector was formed in Minnesota, I became the Ride Captain and in 2015 also started serving as the Senior Ride Captain for the Southern Region. I am not a veteran but serve in honor of my father who served with the Air Force in Korea during the Korean War and to show my support for all of our soldiers, veterans and their families. I have a great deal of respect and gratitude for all who have served our country and the free world. I enjoy camping and working on my acreage in addition to riding my motorcycle in my free time. I am President of a company called Pipestone Repairs and Maintenance and the Director of Safety for the Pipestone System which is a management company that oversees swine farms in MN, IA, SD, NE and WI.

Assistant Ride Captain
Albert Weinandt

My name is Albert Weinandt. I'm not a veteran but my dad served in WWII in Merrills Marauders and i have three brothers that are vets. I have a nephew and many young friends that served in Iraq and Afghanistan. My hometown is Madison Lake, MN. i AM THE arc of Mankato sector.

Assistant Ride Captain
Tom Langdon

Live in North Mankato, married with 7 children, 25 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Served US Navy for 5 years and Minnesota National Guard for 10. Been riding since the 60's. I enjoy my life because of those that have served so we can be free.

Assistant Ride Captain
Arden Volbrecht

I joined the PGR in 2008 Live in rural Rapidan Worked at MICO Inc. as a machinest for 40 plus years retiring in 2016 still have a hobby farm raising corn and soybeans Enjoy motoring cycling, hunting and fishing.


Acting Ride Captain
Paul Ramsbey

I grew up in Indiana. My wife�s name is Rayelene and I have two sons, one grandchild and six step-grandchildren. I live on an acreage a few miles outside of Pipestone. I joined the Patriot Guard Riders in April of 2006 after seeing a booth at the International Motorcycle Show in Minneapolis and learning what the organization did and why they were doing it. I was appalled to learn what the uninvited guests were doing at military funerals and wanted to get involved to help shield the families from the protestors. I am glad that the protestors are no longer very active but that the Patriot Guard Riders continue to grow and thrive as we continue to show our support for our soldiers, veterans and their families. The first mission that I attended was for SSG Mark Wall in Alden, Iowa on May 10, 2006. Shortly after the Worthington sector was formed in Minnesota, I became the Ride Captain and in 2015 also started serving as the Senior Ride Captain for the Southern Region. I am not a veteran but serve in honor of my father who served with the Air Force in Korea during the Korean War and to show my support for all of our soldiers, veterans and their families. I have a great deal of respect and gratitude for all who have served our country and the free world. I enjoy camping and working on my acreage in addition to riding my motorcycle in my free time. I am President of a company called Pipestone Repairs and Maintenance and the Director of Safety for the Pipestone System which is a management company that oversees swine farms in MN, IA, SD, NE and WI.

Assistant Ride Captain
Gary Meyers

No Bio

Assistant Ride Captain
Earl Pederson
No Bio

Metro Northeast

Ride Captain

Tim Freeman

I live in Stillwater, MN. My four adult children have blessed me with 10 grandkids, so far. I am in private practice as a Land Surveyor and Land Planner now, semi-retired. My first mission with the MN Patriot Guard was in September of 2009 for Officer Richard Crittenden’s visitation and funeral. I have been active ever since. Riding my motorcycle is one of the passions in my life.

Assistant Ride Captain

Jerry Schneider

Little Canada, MN. My Grandparents on my Father's side move to United States in 1924 My dad was the oldest of 10 children 7 boys and 3 girls out of the 7 brother 6 served in the military, 3 Navy, 2 Army, 1 Marine besides my uncles many other offsprings have served either in the Military or Police services. I was raised with great respect for our military and police for that I feel honored to be part of the MPG, and have been part since the first Mission to Iowa. Currently my Stepson is a Specialist in the MN Army National Guard, and my Niece is a Captain in the US Navy, Cousins is MN State Trooper, and another Maplewood Policeman/Paramedic

Metro Northwest

Ride Captain
Mark Lea

I have lived in Elk River for the past 30 yrs, recently Married kari, have 2 kids, Courtney, Colin and 3 step children: Caitlin, Connor (Marines) and Megan(National Guard). I am an Independent Financial Advisor working in the area of Investments and Insurance with an office in Coon Rapids for the past 24 years. My education background is in Accounting and Business administration with BA degrees in both. I have been riding for the past 13 years and currently the Metro Senior Ride Captain, Ride Captain in the NW/SE Metro sectors and Vice President of the Patriot Guard Board of Directors. I have served on the Elk River Football board for 3 years as an Executive board member which operates as a 501c3, as well as coaching my sons baseball, football and wrestling teams for a number of years.

Assistant Ride Captain
Joe Egan

Joe is a retired owner of several construction companies. He is presently an author of two books and also a radio Voice Over talent. See more of Joe at www.JoeEgan.com

Assistant Ride Captain
Dwayne McDaniel

No Bio

Metro Southeast

Ride Captain
Tom Aegerter - St. Paul

I live in Saint Paul with my wife Ann of 11 years. We have five daughters between us, and 10 grandchildren. I enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1973 and served through 1976. I started riding dirt bikes in 1969, to this day riding motorcycles is a great love of mine. I joined the Patriot Guard in 2014 and I get a great deal of satisfaction from the interactions with fellow flag line members and the families we show support. I love America and being an American. I look forward to serving the Patriot Guard and its mission.

Assistant Ride Captain
Mary Slette

Born and Raised in Twin Cities Metro. I enjoy playing Bingo, baking and trying new recipes. I also enjoy my fur babies, Kody and Rebel. But most of all I love hearing the stories of our Veterans. I joined the guard about 7 - 8 years ago and my first mission was at the Anoka High School and "Biggin's, Shoulder surgery and all" was the first and helpful member that I came in contact with. He was a great help and helped me go where I need to be that day.

Metro Southwest

Ride Captain
Doug Dobin

I live in South St. Paul with my wife of 39 years. I worked in the construction field for 40 years, until my retirement in 2020. My father served in the Army in occupied Japan. My father-in-law served in the Army in Korea. I am not a veteran, but respect those who have served. I’ve been involved in the Patriot Guard since the 2014 Patriot Ride, when I started giving rides to Gold Star family members and working in the bike parking area. Since retirement I have been active in the Patriot Guard as part of the Fort Snelling team, and the escort team.

Assistant Ride Captain
Rich Klugherz

Vietnam Vet,served in the USAF from 1962 until 1966, I have been a member of the MNPGR since 2008


Ride Captain
Rochester Ride Captain

Rochester MN

Assistant Ride Captain
Dave Lucas

Living in Rochester, MN. I have lived in SE Minnesota all my life. I joined the PGR in 2008 to honor my close cousin who was killed in Viet Nam and to provide long overdue honor, dignity and respect to those who served during that time and received no credit for their sacrifices. The people I have met in PGR are outstanding individuals who share values I find most important in life. I enjoy family, the outdoors and traveling by motorcycle to interesting places.

Assistant Ride Captain
Jay Donovan

Live near Rochester, Retired, 2 children, 3 grandchildren. I have been riding Harleys and other bikes since the early 60s. Served in the National Guard, Headquarters in Rochester, 135th Infantry for 6 years. Joined the PGR April 2010. About 2 years ago I was honored to be selected as an Assistant Ride Captain in the Rochester sector.

St Cloud

Ride Captain
John Clement

Living in St. Cloud just a mile from where I grew up farming and raising horses. Participated in 4-H showing horses and dogs. Got my first motorcycle at 12 and have been riding ever since. I joined the PGR in 2010 to support our son who joined the Marine Corp. He served in Afghanistan in late 2011 into 2012 also serving in Okinawa Japan. He was discharged from the Marines and soon after lost his life due to injuries from a motorcycle accident

Assistant Ride Captain
Mary Skudlarek

No Bio

Thief River Falls

Ride Captain
Jim Cyr

I was born in Red Lake Falls, MN on October 16,1945. I served in the US Army from 1964 to 1966 with the 3rd Armored Division, 2nd Battallion, 27th artillary, in Germany. Then I joined the Patriot Guard in 2006 for the funeral of Corey Rystad in Red Lake Falls, MN. I am proud to be able to Honor our Veterans with my fellow PGR.

Assistant Ride Captain
Mike LaVoi

I live in Fosston, MN. Grew up in Northern Wisc. . Was in Viet Nam in 66-67. Was a helicopter crew chief out of Phuoc Vinh (iron triangle). Drove truck for 25 years. Been living in Fosston since 1970. "NEVER AGAIN" is why I joined the Patriot Guard


Ride Captain
Scott Peterson

I am a lifelong resident of the Atwater Mn area, My Bride and I are celebrating 45 years of marriage this summer, we have 3 grown children and 1 granddaughter. My son and Dil live in Windom, Daughter and Sil in St Cloud and youngest son and grdaughter here in Atwater. I have farmed all my life and also spent many years traveling greater Minn selling Ag & Industrial Equip. We own an 06 UltraClassic and enjoy touring Minn and beyond whenever we can. My father served in Japan and Father-in law served in the south Pacific Philippines campaign and was awarded 2 Bronze Stars for bravery in combat during WWII. I have known Ron Mackedanz for many years and enjoy visiting whenever we can. Being a member of the Patriot Guard and honoring those who have served and are serving is an important part of my life.


Ride Captain
Paul Ramsbey

I grew up in Indiana. My wife�s name is Rayelene and I have two sons, one grandchild and six step-grandchildren. I live on an acreage a few miles outside of Pipestone. I joined the Patriot Guard Riders in April of 2006 after seeing a booth at the International Motorcycle Show in Minneapolis and learning what the organization did and why they were doing it. I was appalled to learn what the uninvited guests were doing at military funerals and wanted to get involved to help shield the families from the protestors. I am glad that the protestors are no longer very active but that the Patriot Guard Riders continue to grow and thrive as we continue to show our support for our soldiers, veterans and their families. The first mission that I attended was for SSG Mark Wall in Alden, Iowa on May 10, 2006. Shortly after the Worthington sector was formed in Minnesota, I became the Ride Captain and in 2015 also started serving as the Senior Ride Captain for the Southern Region. I am not a veteran but serve in honor of my father who served with the Air Force in Korea during the Korean War and to show my support for all of our soldiers, veterans and their families. I have a great deal of respect and gratitude for all who have served our country and the free world. I enjoy camping and working on my acreage in addition to riding my motorcycle in my free time. I am President of a company called Pipestone Repairs and Maintenance and the Director of Safety for the Pipestone System which is a management company that oversees swine farms in MN, IA, SD, NE and WI.

Assistant Ride Captain
Ken Pederson

Served in the US Army from 1962 to 1978. I served 2 years in Vietnam, 1 year Korea and 6 years in Europe. I am currently retired. I joined the PG in April 2006. The biggest reason I joined was because I didn't want to see any soldier welcomed home the way I was, ever again.

Assistant Ride Captain
Greg Matthiesen

I grew up in Adrian MN, I joined the PGR in the fall of 2006. I have never served but have two son's who have, one Air Force and one Army. I have always enjoyed riding motorcycles and camping. Besides my position with the MNPGR I am also a ride Capt. with the SDPGR in the Sioux Falls area. Living where I do I have the honor of doing missions in MN, SD, and Iowa.

Assistant Ride Captain
Al Voigt

I was in the USAF from 1969 to 1976,I live at Fairmont Joined the Patriot Gaurd in 2006

Assistant Ride Captain
Tom Duncan

I live in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. I served in the National Guards for 12 years. I have been a member of the Patriot Guard since 2011. I am also an officer in my local ABATE chapter for the past 8 years. I have worked as a welder for the last 37 years. I became a ARC for the Worthington sector in 2017. I joined the Patriot Guard Riders to honor soldiers with dignity and respect.

Assistant Ride Captain
Mike Chepa

I believe I've been with the PGR about 8 years. Many missions in South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota. Ten years active duty 4 Navy and six Army. Three deployments to Vietnam. I was EOD in the military. DAV Minnesota Chapter Commander for seven years now. Very active with the DAV assisting veterans, helping with PTSD, drugs and even hospice work. Over the road truck driver for 30 years, ten years with the sheriff's department as a bailiff.

Minnesota Patriot Guard Board of Directors

MN Patriot Guard Board of Directors (Treasurer)
Bob Gindorff - White Bear Lake, MN

I'm originally from Inver Grove Heights, MN, currently in White Bear Lake, MN. My father was a Marine and My 2 boys are current active duty as Master Sergeant's in the Air Force. It's for them and all vets that I joined the MNPG to be able to do something in honor of them. I could not have joined a better organization and group of people.

MN Patriot Guard Board of Directors (Secretary)
Dick Kelso - New Hope, MN

Dick has been the Secretary for the MN Patriot Guard Board since 2012. He stood his first flagline in 2009. He is a retired Master Sergeant, US Army, and served with the Minnesota National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve. Dick lives in New Hope with his wife, Sylvia. They ride a 1999 Goldwing. Dick is an NRA-certified firearms instructor, and MSF Rider Coach, as well as a licensed attorney. Their son, Michael, is a Navy officer.

MN Patriot Guard Board of Directors (President)
Mark Lea - Elk River, MN

I have lived in Elk River for the past 30 yrs, recently Married kari, have 2 kids, Courtney, Colin and 3 step children: Caitlin, Connor (Marines) and Megan(National Guard). I am an Independent Financial Advisor working in the area of Investments and Insurance with an office in Coon Rapids for the past 24 years. My education background is in Accounting and Business administration with BA degrees in both. I have been riding for the past 13 years and currently the Metro Senior Ride Captain, Ride Captain in the NW/SE Metro sectors and Vice President of the Patriot Guard Board of Directors. I have served on the Elk River Football board for 3 years as an Executive board member which operates as a 501c3, as well as coaching my sons baseball, football and wrestling teams for a number of years.

MN Patriot Guard At Large Member of the Board of Directors
Mike Chepa - Worthington

I believe I've been with the PGR about 8 years. Many missions in South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota. Ten years active duty 4 Navy and six Army. Three deployments to Vietnam. I was EOD in the military. DAV Minnesota Chapter Commander for seven years now. Very active with the DAV assisting veterans, helping with PTSD, drugs and even hospice work. Over the road truck driver for 30 years, ten years with the sheriff's department as a bailiff.

MN Patriot Guard Board of Directors
Karla Richardson - Verndale, MN

From Verndale, MN. US Army retired. Joined the Patriot Guard Riders and attended my first mission on 2 June 20016 for SPC Michael Hermanson in Fargo. Have previously served as Assistant Ride Captain and Ride Captain, Detroit Lakes Sector; Northern Region Senior Ride Captain, and State Captain

MN Patriot Guard Board of Directors
Craig Ugland - Rochester, MN

Rochester, MN. Joined the MN PG in May 2006, first mission was for Robert Posivio, Welcome, MN. Former Rochester RC, Southern MN SRC, ASC. Married to Aimee with baby daughter Norah. I was not able to serve due to disability, so I volunteer to help veterans as a Thank You to those that did serve. I have been a Realtor with Edina Realty since 2014, after 20 years in construction management and material sales. Few people know I lost sight in one eye in 2008.

MN Patriot Guard Board of Directors
Tim Freeman

I live in Stillwater, MN. My four adult children have blessed me with 10 grandkids, so far. I am in private practice as a Land Surveyor and Land Planner now, semi-retired. My first mission with the MN Patriot Guard was in September of 2009 for Officer Richard Crittenden’s visitation and funeral. I have been active ever since. Riding my motorcycle is one of the passions in my life.

MN Patriot Guard Board of Directors (Vice President)
Glenn Seaberg

No Bio

MN Patriot Guard Board of Directors
Tom Aegerter

I live in Saint Paul with my wife Ann of 11 years. We have five daughters between us, and 10 grandchildren. I enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1973 and served through 1976. I started riding dirt bikes in 1969, to this day riding motorcycles is a great love of mine. I joined the Patriot Guard in 2014 and I get a great deal of satisfaction from the interactions with fellow flag line members and the families we show support. I love America and being an American. I look forward to serving the Patriot Guard and its mission.

The Board of Directors listed above can be reached by emailing directors@mnpatriotguard.org.

Web Administration

Minnesota Patriot Guard Webmaster
Tim Leonhardt

Living in Maple Grove, MN, Grew up wearing cowboy boots and hat, rode horses, been riding motorcycles since late 60's. When I wasn't riding my crusier, I was out dirt biking, still have lots of dirt bike habits when I ride today, hard habits to break, built and drove dune buggy's too. I wear the cowboy boots and hat when I ride my bike, get asked a lot on how the hat stays on, it just does with the little engineering I did to it. Got the road name of "Drifter" from a lady singer friend in the early 70's. I'm a Machinist and Geek, back in the late 70's computers facinated me, back then if I wanted to play a computer game I had to write it in machine code first (1s & 0s). I work as a Maintenance Mechanic for an envelope making and printing company, I enjoy working there. Joined PGR in early 2006 in honor of my very close cousin that was killed in Vietnam. In 2006 Monica (former State Captain) asked me to take on the role of MNPG webmaster to develope the MNPG a working webpage so we could communicate to the members and leadership. I have spent hundreds of hours since 2006 developing, maintaining, and growing the MN Patriot Guards webpage. Once a month I do a radio spot on Military Talk Radio called "On The Flagline" where we talk about the Patriot Guard. It's been my honor to have held almost every position in the MN Patriot Guard.

Website Content: Copyright 2007 All rights reserved Minnesota Patriot Guard
Logo: Our logo is copyrighted and is owned by Minnesota Patriot Guard for its use only. The logo may not be used without the written approval of the board of directors. Any requests to use the logo may be sent to directors@mnpatriotguard.org.